Royce Franklin Ward, a civil engineer who helped develop the Watergate complex in Washington, died on Saturday at Alexandria Hospital in Virginia.
Following the accident, Bertier was rushed to the Alexandria Hospital in critical condition.
Bradford W. Stone, a retired automotive executive, died of heart failure Tuesday at Alexandria (Va.) Hospital.
Gen. Donald Harry Cowles, retired, an Army deputy chief of staff in the mid-1970's, died Saturday at Alexandria Hospital.
Two of the airmen were killed by a bomb and the third died in Alexandria Hospital the following day.
On June 24, 2011, The Alexandria Hospital Celebrated the 50th Anniversary of the Alexandria Plan.
He died in Alexandria (Virginia) Hospital July 16, 1963.
At Alexandria Hospital doctors found he had a broken back, crushed ribs and serious contusions.
The St Ann's Bay Regional Hospital and the Alexandria Hospital also serve the town.
Bendheim died on June 18, 1987 of cancer at Alexandria Hospital in Alexandria, Virginia.