Nepawa comes from the Algonquin language meaning "where one camps in passing" or "large island".
Some Kichesipirini still speak a dialect of the Algonquin language.
The lake's name means "big water" in the Algonquin language.
The word Souhegan comes from the Algonquin language, meaning "waiting and watching place".
The name Petawawa comes from the Algonquin language meaning "where one hears a noise like this."
The name is derived from the Algonquin language.
They are sometimes called Eskimos, a word which likely comes from the Algonquin language and may mean "eater of raw meat".
In addition to recognized provincial programs, the school also teaches the Algonquin language.
The community is named after the eponymous lake and stream, meaning "bones" in the Algonquin language.
They are also learning Passamaquoddy, an Algonquin language, together, he said.