Twenty three Allegheny County school district received the base 2% increase.
It is located in the northwestern corner of Allegheny County.
It is located in the south hills of Allegheny County.
Their top average scores are evaluated against other high schools in Allegheny County.
Four school districts in Allegheny County received an increase of over 6 percent.
The roll here in Allegheny County has fallen from 18,600 families to 9,800.
Allegheny County has been struggling with a property tax reassessment for several years.
The money will go to Allegheny County, which began searching for a site this month.
Allegheny County is the center for health care and higher education employment.
The industry has created over 11,000 new jobs in the area, some 6,000 of them to be within Allegheny County.