But they must know what their allies intend as well.
The allies intended to join forces for a major invasion of Serbia in 1330.
And the feeling is the Allies may intend the same for Berlin, sooner rather than later.
By the first day of December Napoleon saw clearly what the allies intended to do, and had formed his plan.
A common wartime motif was that the Allies intended to destroy this country for its excellence.
And did the Allies seriously intend to impose such terms on a defeated Germany?
Mr. Assad's allies intend to make sure that is not repeated in the national referendum.
It was as if the allies withdrawing intended to abandon not so much as a scrap to the enemy's use.
Before the details of the invasion could be formulated, intelligence was needed about the nature of the beaches that the Allies intended to land upon.
When Xerxes was eventually persuaded that the Allies intended to contest the pass, he sent his troops to attack.