Alfred Dreyfus came from an Alsatian Jewish family, was married and the father of two small children.
Schongauer was born in Augsburg into an Alsatian family of artists, later settling in Colmar.
Born in an Alsatian family of famous brewers, his father Paul Schützenberger (1829-1897) was a French chemist.
Drach came from an Alsatian family of peasants.
His father was a native of southern Germany, while his mother came from an Alsatian family.
Born about 1130 at the castle of Landsberg, the seat of a noble Alsatian family.
The Koechlin family was an Alsatian family which acquired its wealth in the textile industry and became leading industrialists and politicians of the region.
Born in Bogotá, Colombia in 1971, he was adopted at the age of nine months by a French Alsatian family.
Schützenberger was born in an Alsatian family of famous brewers in Strasbourg.
He belonged to an Alsatian family which had settled in Hungary during the eighteenth century.