The society recommends that women 40 and over have a breast examination every year.
The society, among other experts, does not recommend tests for the disease once a man's life expectancy falls below 10 years.
The society also recommends that an examination with the flexible sigmoidoscope be done every three to five years in people over 50.
But the American Cancer Society still recommends the test for women over 40.
The American Cancer Society recommends exercising five or more days a week for at least 30 minutes a day.
Medical societies recommend colonscopies every 10 years starting at age 50 as a necessary screening practice for colon cancer.
The society recommended that the cat be destroyed.
The society also recommended more immediate measures, like raising taxes on cigarettes and requiring disclosure of their ingredients.
The American Cancer Society recommends an annual screening starting at age 20.
Hotels fill up quickly for show dates, and the society recommends using an agency called Expotel to help find rooms; call (44-20) 7372-2001 or