The American vision of continuous violence is just nowhere on their radar.
The 20-minute video presents a critical vision of consumerist society, primarily American.
"American Visions," however, is much more than just vignettes of famous artists and their works.
It's part and parcel of a romantic American vision.
And that makes the American vision of victory quite different from the visions held by the Arabs.
They're just a handful of writers who shaped the American vision and yet could not achieve full citizenship because they were homosexual.
His work is the embodiment of an American vision of plurality.
American Visions, on the other hand, sold 40 pages of ads in its June issue, double the number it needed to break even.
Soon thereafter, he went in search of financial backing for the television program that eventually became "American Visions."
Copies have also been distributed to the 125,000 subscribers of American Visions.