We're only doing what our American ancestors did in the last century-was He pondered a moment.
He was the first American ancestor of a large number of Burnhams.
He is the first in his position known to have Native American ancestors.
However, the two men do not appear to have a common American ancestor, as there are numerous branches of the Cox family that came to America.
He wanted to be laid to rest in the original birthplace of his first American ancestor and other Eliot ancestors.
"I'm not an immigrant," added Mr. Ellison, who traces his American ancestors back to 1742.
Abraham Hill "was the first American ancestor of this branch of the family."
His earliest American ancestor emigrated to Connecticut from Scotland in 1625.
An example is the "one-drop rule" implemented in some state laws that treated anyone with a single known African American ancestor as black.
Citizens take considerabl pride in having American ancestors.