An American battle group!
There may be an American battle for bronze.
Is there one Democrat anywhere who can admit that the counting of votes has turned into another American legal battle?
Since Sept. 11, he has won broad support for allying himself with the American battle against terrorism.
This is a straight American political battle.
Kelly is a bright teenager obsessed with historical American battles and a participant in war re-enactments.
As a researcher trained mostly in Canada and England, are you astonished by the American battles over Darwinism?
The general officer aboard that aircraft is the fourth in command, behind the joint forces commander, the Korean tactical control director, and the American battle director.
In any case, the outcome of any American battle over ciprofloxacin will have broad ramifications for poor countries desperate for affordable drugs.
Wounded Knee is considered the last major American Indian battle in the 19th century.