The Zebra Swallowtail (Eurytides marcellus) is a North American butterfly.
The Mexican Fritillary (Euptoieta hegesia) is a North and South American butterfly.
Niche conservatism and the richness gradient of North American butterflies.
It is perhaps the best known of all North American butterflies.
The Pink-edged sulphur (Colias interior) is a species of North American butterfly in the Pieridae family.
The Acmon Blue (Plebejus acmon) is a North American butterfly.
The Butterfly Zone features 35 species of native North American butterflies and moths.
M. heliconiaria, for instance, a nocturnal Central American butterfly, dives, sputters, darts and swoops, all to avoid becoming a bat's dinner.
Descriptions of new American butterflies 1902.
The Question Mark (Polygonia interrogationis) is a North American nymphalid butterfly.