But the subsidized price at the pump is extremely low, only about three American cents a gallon.
Soon the peso, which opened the year worth 12.4 American cents, began to slide.
Today, it costs 100 australs to buy one American cent.
The German mark is worth about 46 American cents, its lowest level in 14 years.
They now trade at 1.19 Singapore dollars, or 67 American cents.
Several analysts predicted that the currency would drop further, perhaps reaching 12.5 American cents by the end of the year.
Its currency is worth around 68 American cents today, just above the record low.
But at current exchange rates, the higher fare amounts to about 90 American cents.
It dropped to its lowest mark in two years, worth just 65 American cents.
The currency has strengthened in recent months; it now trades at 68.85 American cents.