For many, perhaps most, American combat troops, the cause was more clearly retribution for Pearl Harbor than the destruction of Nazism.
One fourth of American combat sorties in recent conflicts have been SEAD missions.
Allied ground forces moved into the Tienen area around 20 October and the first American combat engineer units arrived at the airfield shortly afterward.
Marchione was the last American to die in air combat in World War II.
"They set a standard of courage that may be equaled but never surpassed in the annals of American combat."
According to Pentagon records, just under one-quarter of the 147 American combat deaths in the first gulf war were from erroneous attacks from their own side.
American air-to-air combat during the Vietnam War generally matched intruding United States fighter-bombers against the radar-directed integrated North Vietnamese air defense systems.
General McColpin was the only American to fly combat in all three RAF American Eagle Squadrons.
Two murals feature at the base, one relating the story of American combat in the Pacific and the other a profile map of the United States in copper.
Their ailments were not a result of American combat or callousness, she said, but of Saddam Hussein's starved health system.