Congress has long appreciated the risks that anti-satellite weapons pose to American communications.
Both sides use Soviet-bloc weapons, but the rebels are said to have better American communications gear.
Indeed, they are often cited as a primary example of the growing commercialization of American communications.
Yet it would add to the decades-long centralization of American communications, under which many independently owned news organizations have been sold or closed down.
-spy war that is as old as American communications technology itself.
Their plan is to launch it and thereby cripple all American communications.
An American communications and intelligence center had been set up in the tribal area on the Pakistani side to help coordinate the operation, the official said.
Lillian Glass is an American communication and body language expert, media commentator and author.
Why would the Chinese reveal that they had access to American communications?
Alcatel has been shielded from some of the problems at North American communications equipment makers, although its stock price is off 40 percent this year.