But the American conditions have frustrated the tribunal's prosecutors.
And they appear among academics who study and pronounce on the American condition.
At the same time, they are trying to give him some political cover, so that it does not appear he has fully capitulated to American conditions.
The movies came along in the 20th century as the perfect medium to sustain and expand this American condition.
It was all about respect, about inclusion, about arriving, that most American condition.
From the standpoint of human history, race is not the distinctive American condition--freedom and prosperity are.
Later he used real American historical conditions and events in the first half of the 20th century, which he had experienced first-hand as a reporter.
The classic combo tasted the American condition by stirring up the soup of its past.
He was not of draft age, but grabbed the opportunity because he was unhappy with American political conditions.
That, by and large, seems a fair assessment of the American condition.