A reasonably sophisticated American diner could wander the culinary world with a slim phrase book.
Their objective was to better understand how the classic American diner had been successful for more than 100 years.
If there's one thing American diners can't stand, it's a fatty duck.
A cheese plate is a sterling idea, but still alien to most American diners, which makes it difficult for a restaurant to maintain.
"The American diner has a better range of tuna this year than has been the case in years," he said.
Tastee Diner is one of the last original, authentic American diners.
Not all the American diners joined in.
Still, American diners no longer have ashtrays on every table, and none really had bars.
And at the end of the meal, I wondered, Why don't more American diners do the same?
She is largely responsible for introducing the fruit to American diners.