But the Russians said that American inspectors should not have the same right.
Unlike American inspectors general, they do not usually have an investigative or law enforcement function.
Doubts had surrounded much of the evidence ever since American inspectors arrived in Iraq.
Two American inspectors are among three additional members who will take part in the mission without actually entering the building.
The crisis began when Iraq ordered American inspectors on the team expelled.
Six or seven American inspectors would most likely be posted at each participating airport.
More than 11,000 American inspectors, agents and other officials are deployed along the border with Mexico.
American inspectors probably will not be able to detect any violation.
But that system will now be expanded by the efforts of the American inspectors, who bring their own computer database to the task.
American inspectors have tested fewer than 30,000 of the roughly 300 million animals slaughtered in the last nine years.