But even now, she said, interracial couples constitute a minuscule proportion of American marriages, less than 2 percent.
His project researches and analyzes data about American marriages.
But political punditry seems completely clueless about the state of American marriage.
In most American marriages, wives earn less than their husbands.
Some 53 per cent of American marriages end in divorce, usually to the detriment of the women.
"Indissoluble" and "eternity" are mighty big words for American marriages.
More specifically, the play helped open the floodgates on frank depictions of the fault lines in the American marriage.
Any musician who has worked weddings for some time would probably say that musical trends last about as long as the average American marriage.
Is there a difference between a British and an American marriage?
But the survey also offered a long view of the changes in American marriage and family patterns.