Even the 27-year-old Schulz, whose record dropped to 21-3-1, believed his American opponent won the bout.
The new gunslinger, at age 21, was impressive even to his fabled American opponents.
One of the chief American opponents of Taylor's proposed war strategy.
He was a leading American opponent of the international slave trade, and presided over its abolition in 1807.
The Far East region has won 21 of the last 26 title games, all against American opponents.
Such "whole child" policies are not, as their American opponents often charge, a "Sovietization" of children.
The circular message distributed in 1839 provoked a controversial response from American opponents of slavery.
If you don't, the American opponents of aid to Russia will beat you over the head.
Take the wheelchair - or turn away before her American opponent saw her?
American opponents of sanctions had hoped to enlist his support.