While such work raises disturbing issues, nothing is inappropriate for the young artists' American peers.
He works hard at being the un-diva around his American peers, with an every-guy personality that would make him best-man material.
But when immigrants assimilate too quickly, gaps between their families and American peers are enormous.
Like many of his talented American peers, Hassam traveled to Paris to study.
Is this the way in which Polish intellectuals try to legitimize themselves before their American peers?
This is what makes their work look so similar to that of their American post-modernist peers.
For one thing, the young Bangladeshi immigrants are often behind their American peers in academic preparation.
Slowly and painfully, Sara learns to talk, dress and act like her American peers.
Author of the Mission Earth series has a go at horror and gets some incredible quotes from his American peers.
They were students living halfway around the world, speaking from their seats at two universities in Japan while watching their American peers on video screens.