The current stalemate in American-Iranian relations does not serve overall American interests.
The takeover of the embassy provoked a break in diplomatic, economic and strategic American-Iranian relations, bringing an end to decades of cooperation between the two countries.
The deep Iranian popular fear of the United States that was fed by the 1953 coup continues to haunt American-Iranian relations to this day.
When American-Iranian relations are reestablished, it might be wise either to tear down the walls of the U.S. embassy or move the embassy to an out-of-the-way suburb.
"But the history of American-Iranian relations has been that when one opens the window, the other nails it shut."
However, there is no sense that the wrestling event is a prelude to any substantial thaw in American-Iranian relations.
General Casey's comments were his most forceful and explicit criticism of Iran's involvement in Iraq, and came at a sensitive time in American-Iranian relations.
So here's a quick primer on the latest in American-Iranian relations - the winks, nods and backhanded slaps that may amount to a lot or to absolutely nothing at all.
He is also on the board of directors of the American Iranian Council, an organization devoted to the normalization of American-Iranian relations.
The filing of the suits, and the intricate maneuvering of executives and companies that preceded it, are linked to the changing face of American-Iranian diplomatic relations.