Stefania 25, an Italian schoolteacher, says her American-born mother was initially opposed to her having a cell phone.
And my American-born mother came of age craving Chinese food and Nelson Eddy movies.
Sister Anne, who was born in the Bronx, is of Irish descent through her American-born mother.
Mr. Zabor's relationship with his American-born mother, who had little schooling and wasn't outgoing, was more difficult.
His American-born mother, Irene, is a childcare training coordinator at Dundee City Council.
George Viereck was born in Germany, to a German father and American-born mother.
Gluck's American-born mother, Francesca Halle, was an opera singer.
His father was an immigrant from Eastern Europe who ran a grocery and butcher shop; his American-born mother was a high school teacher.
Jeff reveals to Luisa's American-born mother that he, too, is from Kansas.
I was an American-born British mother.