Across from me a little Amish girl sits with her parents, watching me write.
"It's beyond comprehension, particularly when you listen to the tapes and realize he's about to shoot 10 innocent Amish girls," he said.
"I've always been more adventurous than a lot of the Amish girls," she said.
A tiny Amish girl whose head is covered in a canvas bonnet flits by.
One account says that a young Amish girl was given a rag doll with a face for Christmas.
Something that did not fit this Amish girl at all.
How to describe the intricacies of 1990s dating to an Amish girl?
How did one explain to an Amish girl that in a trial, it often came down to who had the best story?
"Do you know what happens when an unwed Amish girl has a baby?"
Katie, an Amish girl who can't remember exactly what happened that morning.