The Senate upheld President Bush's veto of a measure that continued the Amtrak subsidy.
Mass transit and Amtrak subsidies could be devastated.
The Administration's objections to the Amtrak subsidy were not mentioned in the veto message issued by the White House today.
Both the Bush and Reagan administrations have opposed the Amtrak subsidy, which under the current bill would amount to almost $700 million in the fiscal year that begins Oct. 1.
Congress recently gave the airline industry a $15 billion bailout, even as it threatened to cut Amtrak subsidies.
Andrews is an ardent supporter of Amtrak subsidies.
Both Congress and the Administration say they are committed to phasing out Amtrak subsidies over the next five years.
Other administration officials said Mr. Bush would propose cutbacks in Medicaid, Amtrak subsidies, housing assistance and community development programs, among others.
The Amtrak subsidy, which is minuscule compared to the bloated farm subsidy and the pork-ridden defense budget, is one of the few direct benefits I get from the federal taxes I pay.
He said he would continue to fight for more federal aid for homeland security and to preserve funding for health care, veterans benefits, Amtrak subsidies and environmental protection.