The Andes region is one of the world's most mega-diverse hot spots, home to unique plant and animal species.
Most family members come from one Andes region, Antioquia.
Potatoes, many varieties of potato are native to the Andes region.
Almost exclusive to the Andes region is the fruit known as lúcuma.
Today, the term is commonly found in toponyms of the Andes region, for example:
Preoccupation with body fat has a long tradition in the Andes region.
This could be the thought that we need to express most to the countries in the Andes region.
In the following years the conquistadors and indigenous allies extended control over the greater Andes region.
In the Andes region, it is made into fried chips, biscuits, and coarse flour.
This plant grows in the Andes region of South America.