No sign of the boy with the lost angel face.
He's this little blonde skinny thing with an angel face, but do not be fooled.
The Tachyon figure held an unburning sun in his right hand, the side of the angel face.
The two marry and she gives birth to his son, but only once Angel Face has disappeared.
The boy may have led us honestly - who'd seek to distrust a little one with angel face like this?
The strong dark features, already taking on the set of manhood, so different from the sweet angel face of his brother, were close above her.
Bay stared at the her angel sweet face in sleep, and a wave of tenderness curled around his heart.
He's grown up now, and he's still got the angel face.
Angel Face becomes the nameless prisoner in cell 17.
Break a pattern and emerge into the daylight without the hovering angel face of a new In Love?