Angel Gonzalez, a first-grade teacher, does a unit on bugs that is wildly popular.
Astonishing World, The Selected Poems of Angel Gonzalez, tr.
"There have been other laws in the past but none of them mean much," Angel Gonzalez said as he waited in the dark with his wife and 11-year-old son.
The coach appointed to command the quintet was Angel Gonzalez.
Angel Gonzalez, 41, a friend of Mrs. Figueroa's who was staying in the apartment, was critically burned.
For someone like Rosetta Blake, an elderly resident, the arrival of a familiar face, Angel Gonzalez, one afternoon was clearly reassuring.
Those supporting the stadium deal were Joe Sanchez, Angel Gonzalez and Michelle Spence-Jones.
Turn on the television in Guatemala and you will be watching a station owned by Angel González.
Angel Gonzalez Palencia (ed.)
"Thursday will be a drug-free day in memory of Lawrence," said Angel Gonzalez, a junior.