The other players are Angel Lopez, 25, a catcher, and Jorge Diaz, 23, a second baseman.
Two days later Javier López and his secretary Angel López were shot.
Chinea and the others - Angel Lopez, Jorge Diaz and Maykel Jova - were returned to Cuba.
El Amor Se Fue - (featuring Angel Lopez)
"Her doctor told her to keep a lot of liquids in her at all times," said Angel Lopez, Whitlinger Jones's coach.
Mentiroso (ft. Angel López)
Santana decided to become a professional in 1982, and he debuted by outpointing Angel Lopez over six rounds on March 21.
Angel Lopez - Vocals (Background)
Angel Lopez, 31, a legislative aide for the Council's operations division, was arrested at his home in Bronxdale at 12:43 A.M., the police said.
In 2010, Angel Lopez, the former lead singer of Son by Four, recorded his own version of the song for the album Historias de Amor.