Angel Rodriguez, 13, of Brooklyn, said: "He has a bite on his leg.
Angel Rodriguez, a musician and Bronx resident, saw the festival through history's eyes.
Three weeks later Broner stopped Angel Rodriguez in the fourth round.
"Although we come from different religious traditions, there was much that we shared in common and was useful to both parties" said Angel Rodriguez.
In "Angel Rodriguez," which will be shown tonight, the 17-year-old title character takes a step or two back for every step forward.
She replaced Angel Rodriguez shortly after the elections.
Angel Rodriguez, the councilman who represents the area, has long considered the project a waste of prime waterfront.
"If you get a record young, it plays on people's psychology," said Angel Rodriguez, the executive director of the program.
Angel Rodriguez, whose Divine nickname comes from a family restaurant with that name, has become the Government's worst political nightmare.
Angel Rodriguez, a 20-year resident of the district, got into politics only recently, but he is a very old hand at community service.