The bite marks on dream-Faith's neck begins to bleed and she realizes Angel could have saved the cashier.
Also, Kate recovers and sees a new light to her life after Angel saves her from a suicide attempt.
Angel saved her and brought her back to L.A.
Angel saves him from an oncoming car, and he talks with the parents, Paige and Seth.
Before the man can shoot Lindsey in the head, Angel arrives and saves him.
He tells Gunn that everything was set in motion millions of years ago and it can't be stopped; Angel won't save Fred.
Angel saves her from committing murder and instead tracks down T'Purok for a debate about the nature of humanity.
Three years later, Angel is still dealing, and has not saved any money, instead spending it on crack.
Angel saves Jenny's life, only for Angelus to kill her later in the same season.
Angel saves a woman from a vampire in an alley; however, thanks to a tracking device, Wolfram & Hart lawyers surround the scene.