The school combines the Catholic traditions of the Order of St Joseph and the Anglican heritage of the Woodard Corporation.
Ashbury is set in central Ottawa, on a 13-acre site, and is said to be modelled on a British public school, with an Anglican heritage.
Much of the structure and content is ultimately derived from The Book of Common Prayer and the Anglican heritage, while also being informed by a diversity of other spiritual sources from across the world as well.
Since 2007, the Traditional Anglican Communion has been seeking unity with the Roman Catholic Church while still retaining aspects of its Anglican heritage.
The consensus of the festival was that unity can be achieved while also preserving the distinctive Anglican heritage of the churches.
In the wake of the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001, Saint Thomas Church reached out to the British expatriate community in recognition of its Anglican heritage.
The Episcopal Church, after all, is the American offshoot of the Church of England and shares an Anglican heritage, however uneasily at the moment, with more than three dozen similar offshoots around the world.
Similar to a diocese though national in scope, the ordinariate is based in Houston, Texas and includes parishes and communities across the United States that are fully Catholic, while retaining elements of their Anglican heritage and traditions.
Two ecumenical Franciscan Orders within the Anglican heritage are the Order of Servant Franciscans (OSF) and the Conventual Community of Saint Francis (CCSF).
In the beginning, Smyth was closely aligned with his Anglican heritage.