The 1950s appears to be a prosperous period during which teachers staff was more informed with the Anglo-Saxon culture.
It has often tried to persuade the rest of Europe to close ranks against what it calls Anglo-Saxon culture.
Wyrd is a concept in Anglo-Saxon culture roughly corresponding to fate or personal destiny.
Indeed, France's subsidy system today is considered essential to keeping Anglo-Saxon culture at bay.
Another aspect of Anglo-Saxon culture is also probably relevant.
The Wismer family has descended through the lines of the ancient Anglo-Saxon culture.
What is it about Anglo-Saxon culture that we grovel to the rich and powerful?
A tendency to associate the human female with avian life forms may be built into Anglo-Saxon culture.
I know that the England of what you say is your time was a pure Anglo-Saxon culture.
A plethora of personal names confirm the popularity of Anglo-Saxon culture.