Heart-rending ballads and a few upbeat dance-rhythms by an Angolan refugee living in Lisbon whose voice is a bullhorn of loss.
At its peak in 2001 there were over 30,000 Angolan refugees in Namibia.
By the end of that year, the number of Angolan refugees had reached 101,779.
Rather than living in refugee camps or finding assistance through government resettlement schemes, many Angolan refugees settled on their own in Zambian villages.
In the 1960s, GRAE received a large share of humanitarian aid for Angolan refugees from Western sources.
These words were even brought to Brazil by white Angolan refugees during and after independence.
The Angolan civil war resulted in a large number of Angolan refugees coming to Namibia.
The number of Angolan refugees had grown to 2,069 by 1996 and to 7,612 by 1999.
By 2005, the number of Angolan refugees remaining in the country had dropped sharply to 4,666 people.
Zambia, for example, has given Angolan refugees land to farm.