It receives Antelope Creek on the right bank.
The school opened in 1999, and is housed in a historic bottling plant along the banks of Antelope Creek.
Two canals were also built, diverting water from nearby Antelope Creek and Little Butte Creek.
Stream drainages are Antelope Creek and Secret Ravine.
Expedition from Camp Bidwell to Antelope Creek, Cal.
The trail runs from Holmes Lake, along Antelope Creek and Capitol Parkway, to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln campus.
The stream of Antelope Creek runs through this township.
Wabaunsee is located along Antelope Creek about a half mile south of the Kansas River.
The unique and enigmatic characteristic of Antelope Creek was the construction of large stone-slab and plaster houses and one-story apartment blocks.
The Lewis and Clark Expedition camped within sight of the caverns on July 31, 1805, when they camped along Antelope Creek.