During the development of the hardware, Apple abandoned the original motherboard design for unconfirmed reasons.
Apple isn't abandoning anybody or anything, and even if they are, why the heck would you care.
Which is precisely why Apple has essentially abandoned the notion of arbitrary resolution independence and went with the hi-dpi resolution doubling approach.
The company has shelved plans to sell the series in the United States, sticking to the luxury sales strategy that Apple abandoned last week.
But that doesn't mean Apple is abandoning users that need such functionality.
Apple eventually abandoned the system and sold off the name.
Do you remember what happen when Apple abandoned the floppy?
By the 1995/96 time frame it appears Apple had already abandoned the entire system.
The same universe in which Apple abandoned the floppy drive in 1998.
Apple abandoned its existing, 16-year-old code base for something entirely new.