First of all, Apple apps have exactly the same problems, and no, it is not screened during the app review process.
There was a recent study that found that many Apple apps were transmitting sensitive user data.
In August 2011, Viz announced that the manga would be serialized at $1 a chapter online and through its Apple apps.
Apple apps are not restricted to any VM space since they run natively, but are restricted in the app store.
I mean, does ars really considers every little Apple app or app feature newsworthy?
For example, this very paper only has Apple apps.
If Android apps lag in anything to Apple apps, it's in quantity...not necessarily quality.
It means publishers can choose whatever price point they like for subscriptions wherever they are, and won't have to include what might be irrelevant external subscription offers in the Apple apps.
Another mystery to us is where the posts go when you try to post from within an Apple app but have no signal.
That is not the case for Apple apps, or Android apps offered by Amazon.