By all means, Apple should recommend and support the use of filename extensions for interoperability.
Like far fewer iTunes aficionados, I finally did what Apple recommends that you do.
Apple strongly recommends that the board be installed by authorized dealers.
Apple recommends that OS X code use malloc and free "almost exclusively".
Apple recommends no more than 100 mA should be drawn from this pin.
Apple recommended that owners of affected iPod Nanos stop using them.
To avoid overheating and damaging the computer's electronics, for example, Apple recommends that users do not stack Minis on top of each other.
Apple is recommending trying again in an hour or two, though we, like Fortune, recommend maybe waiting longer if you're not in any hurry.
Apple recommends that it be no longer than 16 characters and should not exceed 128 pixels in width when drawn in the standard menu font.
Apple recommends that abstract types be copyrighted to ensure uniqueness.