That's probably because Apple didn't tell anybody.
Apple tells me my Macintosh is capable of handling dates accurately until the year 29,940.
Apple apparently hasn't told developers much, except that apps for the demo next month should be available in full resolution.
But it's nice that Apple is telling other companies to bugger off and stop trying to invade our privacy.
Apple is basically telling you how to proceed without being rejected.
Did Apple tell your friends about your embarrassing body pillow?
Apple cannot pull another "iPod/iTunes" and simply tell people sorry, my way or the highway.
Or where Apple told a reseller that they couldn't sell non-Apple hardware?
Only 10 days ago Apple told analysts that it was comfortable with estimates for the second quarter of about 65 cents a share.
Earlier this year, Apple told the court that it had only an eight-day supply of the chip.