In his time (c.1651) the estate was the inspiration for Andrew Marvell's Upon Appleton House, a significant country house poem.
Training is also offered by the Appleton House Training Centre on Barkerend Road.
Since Marvell was back in London in late 1652, his period of tutor at Appleton House had ended by then.
Marvell's long poem on the beauties of Nunappleton, Upon Appleton House, comes nearer to the type.
We're going to drive down to Mabel Grove and eat at the Appleton House.
During the Second World War she and her sister were often resident on the Sandringham estate, living at Appleton House.
Appleton House was on 2 floors and was built of brick.
Appleton House no longer exists.
Since it would have been costly to restore the property to a habitable state, Appleton House was torn down in July 1984.
'Appleton House only has 12-14 residents when it was built for 30 originally,' he said.