The Doctor Who Appreciation Society voted the serial to be the best one of its season.
He also wrote articles for various science fiction magazines, and was the Coordinator of the Doctor Who Appreciation Society.
The Iris Wildthyme Appreciation Society by Cavan Scott (2012)
It also gives its name to the Official Hitchhiker's Appreciation Society.
"It isn't a fan club," Tammy had pointed out countless times, "it's an Appreciation Society."
"The Appreciation Society."
The rest she would let members of the Appreciation Society come in and collect.
The Lost Boys' Appreciation Society (2004)
He regularly made personal appearances at science fiction conventions and in 1997 was made the honorary president of the Doctor Who Appreciation Society.
"In The Village," the Appreciation Society's glossy quarterly, devotes page after page to the significance of seemingly insignificant details.