Nevertheless, the April report sparked the second rally in airline stocks of that month.
That strong showing was the latest in a series of April economic reports to reverse poor March numbers.
An April 1945 report noted that over 800,000 houses had been built and would remain a permanent part of the nation's housing stock.
The April report on consumer prices, which is expected to be released this morning ahead of the Fed meeting, could also have a major impact.
The latest blow came in the state board's April report.
In an April report, the group called for more spending on addiction therapy.
The April 1998 report confirmed the existence of the Family.
They come out with a delay of a full month, however, so April reports for the entire industry will not be available for weeks.
But more confirmation is needed in the March and April economic reports to get the dollar moving higher.
An April 2004 report noted that it had 180 registered users at that time.