When he was still a child, he live together with his uncle who have a provision shop in Arab Street, Singapore.
A part of Bintang Walk is designated as an "Arab Street".
It is impossible, of course, to talk about one "Arab Street" because opinions are as varied as they would be in any multicultural, multinational, multireligious region.
It moved to Arab Street in 2009 and now occupies 4 floors in an art deco influenced shophouse.
Most do just Arab Street itself, but Arab Street is a neighborhood.
They had shops in Arab Street and Geylang.
Many came to Singapore to deal in the jewellery trade and had their shops in Arab Street.
The Syrian incarnation of the "Arab Street" we used to hear so much about now wants Nato planes in the skies.
Something was rumbling on the "Arab Street."
Not least a significant number on the Arab Street.