This Arab town never expected to be entangled in the Israel-Hezbollah fighting.
There is a withered tree behind him, and in the distance the skyline of an Arab town with a minaret.
Also, matches between teams from Jewish and Arab towns may be played on neutral grounds by police order for fear of possible crowd violence.
For me, the most interesting point in the article was that the protests are spreading to predominantly Arab towns and cities.
It looks like an Arab town then, so white, and everything reflected in the water.
Until 1948, Lydda was an Arab town with a population of around 20,000-18,500 Muslims and 1,500 Christians.
Israeli Arabs also took to the streets, and riots were reported in Nazareth, Israel's largest Arab town.
The teachers come from Jewish and Arab towns in the area.
Similarly, allowing Jewish racists to march in an Arab town in Israel is flawed.
Ramla was once an entirely Arab town, but most of its residents fled or were exiled during the 1948 war.