One of the main themes of his work has been the injection of Arabian cultural influences into his designs, and specifically Omani references.
At first glance, this Mediterranean haven looks like a scoop of old Italy, but Arabian influences linger in the architecture and culinary traditions of the island.
The Karacabey was a very sound breed with good conformation, showing Arabian influence but with more body mass.
Oriental type - This type shows a more Arabian influence, with smaller heads, very clean legs, thinner skins, and hotter temperaments.
This blending of cultures left a notable Arabian influence on the local Bantu Swahili culture and language of the coast.
The Arabian influence could still be seen in him, having a light overall build, with a small, refined, slightly dished head, an arched neck, short back, relatively flat croup, and high-set tail.
The traditional wedding dress of Betawi display both Chinese influence in bride's costume and Arabian influences in groom's costume.
The Arabian influence was strongly reinforced in the modern Haflinger by the introduction of the stallion El Bedavi, imported to Austria in the 19th century.
The Pleasure type shows a strong Arabian influence, with less traits from the stock horse - these horses are often favored by endurance riders.
Some Arabian influence was introduced in the 1940s, when for a short time, breeders could use an Arabian stallion over APSB mares.