The influence of the Arabian tribes declined during the Abbasid period and the only context where they are reported is in uprising against the central authority.
In addition, the Nadir paid Arabian tribes to go to war against the Muslims.
I'm referring to the period before their conversion to Islam, when the Arabian tribes were still practicing idolatry.
The Maqils quickly grown in numbers, this is due to the fact that parts of many other Arabian tribes joined them, which included:
Keturah's six sons represent Arabian tribes south and east of Canaan.
Bin Yarouf is a patrilineal clan name used by some Arabian tribes.
Later, they assumed an Arab lineage, claiming descent from an ancient Arabian tribe.
Most of the Arabian tribes were exiled from various ports and villages of Iran.
List of Arabian tribes who lived in some places in Persia:
He was believed to be the founder of an Arabian tribe.