It stepped up the Oriental pop sound while mixing in some traditional Arabic sounds and dance beats.
There are in addition several digraphs for Arabic sounds which are not distinguished in pronunciation outside of traditional Swahili areas.
Instead, the closest Arabic sound is substituted.
But Europeans, Iranians, and Indians often cannot pronounce some Arabic sounds as precisely, and tend to pronounce these two names the same.
In the second section, Phonetics, he basically creates some "reforms" on the rational way of studying the Arabic sounds.
The Germans who arrived at the end of the last century, so the story goes, could not pronounce the Arabic sounds and so bastardized them to something more recognizable.
He implicitly acknowledged the increasing rarity lately of the pure Arabic sound and of Arabic teachers.
It also used certain combinations of letters and apostrophes for some Arabic sounds which effectively ignored the Arabic transliterations accepted in Academic circles worldwide.
The new romanization also used aberrant combinations of letters and apostrophes for some Arabic sounds, effectively ignoring the Arabic transliterations accepted in academic circles worldwide.