He is ably aided in his search by the Arena Players' creative team.
However, the four actors are among the Arena Players' best, and the quality of their performances makes up for a great deal.
This marks his Arena Players' debut, and one looks forward to seeing him tackle less-stereotyped characters in the future.
Frederic DeFeis, who heads the Arena Players where children's theater has been produced since 1970, uses only his students.
The Shakespeare comedy, presented by the Arena Players.
The Neil Simon comedy, presented by the Arena Players.
Another problem, often encountered at the Arena Players, concerns the actors' diction.
Arena Players deserves a bravo for taking a chance on a developing work.
In the Arena Players' small Second Stage theater, the show has been stripped to its minimum requirements of three singers and a keyboard musician.
If you have seen and enjoyed this play in some other production, either at the Arena Players or on Broadway, you will also enjoy it here.