Leopoldo Alfredo Bravo, 50, Argentine diplomat, ambassador to Russia, cancer.
She married an Argentine diplomat, Manlio Zileri.
But Argentine diplomats in Panama dismiss those reports as "old history" and say they do not plan to file any protests.
Izquierdo married an Argentine diplomat, of whom her friends seem to have had little good to say.
Argentine diplomats insisted that the accords did not in any way imply recognition of British sovereignty over the Falklands Islands.
Abel Parentini Posse, born Córdoba, Argentina, on 7 January 1934, is an Argentine diplomat and writer.
"The stern matriarch in Madrid has become more like a benign grandmother," said an Argentine diplomat here.
In Tokyo, in 1948, he married Amelia Nagamine, daughter of an Argentine diplomat.
Nicanor Costa Méndez (October 30, 1922 - August 3, 1992) was an Argentine diplomat.