The resolution says it is "negative for national sovereignty and for the consolidation of a territorial development policy that Argentine soil be utilized for purposes of individual recreation."
To work directly on Argentine soil, or in their territorial waters, would constitute an invasion itself, an act of war.
There has been Paraguayan presence in Argentine soil during and after the Paraguayan War and after the Revolution of 1947 in Paraguay but it did not acquired importance before 1970.
Menem arrives on Argentine soil (from the BBC)
By the late 19th century, the Afro-Argentine population consisted mainly of women who mixed with European immigrants, whom arrived by the thousands on Argentine soil.
The lingering threat of another act of Islamic terrorism on Argentine soil, especially against Jewish entities in Buenos Aires, required the Secretariat to adapt to a previously unknown national security threat.
Several critics blame SIDE for failing to stall the attack on the AMIA as the warnings of an impeding attack on Argentine soil were received.
In 1527, Sebastian Cabot founded the fort of Sancti Spiritus, near Coronda, Santa Fe; this was the first Spanish settlement on Argentine soil.
Argentines have been able to visit the islands on a Chilean airline, which for two years has been allowed to land on Argentine soil before flying to the Falklands once a week.
The Preamble of the Constitution, more generously, dictates a number of goals (justice, peace, defense, welfare and liberty) that apply "to all men in the world who wish to dwell on Argentine soil".