Stanley was occupied by Argentine troops for about ten weeks during the Falklands War in 1982.
The battle ended with the Argentine troops in full retreat, with more than a thousand men lost and abandoning most of their artillery.
It contains a number of items which Argentine troops left behind, including an ejector seat.
Yanquetruz's men harassed the Argentine troops in a form of guerrilla warfare, disrupting their supplies and making it hard for them to get water.
Many of the Argentine troops were taken prisoner, and others were transferred to the Bolivian forces.
Mortimer's ejection was witnessed by hundreds of Argentine troops.
It was the scene of a battle with Argentine troops during the 1982 invasion.
This statement also alluded to Argentine troops "in combat" to recover the islands.
After months of sabre-rattling, Argentine troops set foot on the islands on 2 April 1982.
First-hand accounts also state that Argentine troops killed prisoners and committed "mass executions."