The ballpark was named after Bill; his brother George; and two famous Arkansas businessmen, Jackson and Witt Stephens.
The record purchase price for any professional sports team was the $140 million paid by Jerry Jones, an Arkansas businessman, for the Dallas Cowboys in 1989.
The contributions were raised by an Arkansas businessman, Charles Yah Lin Trie, who was appointed to a Presidential commission on Asian trade after delivering the first $460,000.
Bill Clinton had known Arkansas businessman and political figure Jim McDougal since 1968, and had made a previous small real estate investment with him in 1977.
Initially constructed by an Arkansas businessman as a gift for his six-year-old daughter, the display has become one of the most popular attractions during the park's holiday season.
Care to know which political candidates received contributions from Charles Trie, the Arkansas businessman whose fund-raising tactics for President Clinton's legal defense fund were recently criticized?
Question of Influence The main issue is whether Mr. Clinton used his political influence on behalf of an Arkansas businessman who was his partner in the real estate venture.
Mark Grobmyer, an Arkansas businessman, lets Mr. Clinton know that President Suharto of Indonesia would like to address the Group of Seven industrial nations.
When Tom Bhakta, an Arkansas businessman, decided in the fall to seek a presidential pardon for his 1991 tax evasion conviction, the odds seemed long.
(Second place goes to football's Dallas Cowboys, bought for $140 million in 1989 by an Arkansas businessman.)